ERP System Benefits : Improved Process Efficiency Another advantage of the ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system is that it can eliminate repetitive and manual processes. All these processes are completed automatically to ensure minimum errors. This way, ERP system can make the process of collecting data easier, more efficient, and more accurate, which will ultimately allow for quicker communication of goals, objectives and strategies across all levels of business.

From a project management point of view, an ERP system allows supervisors to easily track the progress of every phase of a project. This would allow management to be aware about each stage of the project in order to ensure that a project can still be delivered on time. From a business strategy perspective, advanced reporting offered by an ERP system allows quick and accurate business analysis capabilities. This could help business owners to gain a better understanding of how business performing, market trends, and customer preferences. These are on top of other more common functions such as accounting and customer relationship management (CRM), to be used in various industries such as manufacturing and healthcare.
